No Win No Fee Solicitors Warrington
Are you considering taking action against your landlord because they did not protect your deposit? Do you want to make a claim against a financial advisor for a mis-sold product? If so, you could be searching for expert solicitors covering Warrington in order to make a personal injury claim against an employer, a doctor, or even a local authority.
At No Win No Fee Expert, our panel of accident solicitors covering Warrington could provide you with expert services to conduct compensation claims for financial mis-selling and landlord related claims.
The information provided on this page could help you learn all there is to know about how a no win no fee solicitor handles claims. This guide will discuss the types of claims a no win no fee solicitor covering Warrington could conduct, including tenant deposit claims or criminal injury claims.
If you have a question about accident claims or you would like to begin your case, call us today on 0800 073 8802. Our lines are open 24/7, so don’t hesitate to pick up the phone to talk to a No Win No Fee Expert.
How Do No Win No Fee Claims Work?
In order to benefit from conducting a no win no fee claim, you must first understand the conditions of a no win no fee agreement. Firstly, you should know that you are not limited to legal firms based in Warrington even if the accident occurred within that area. You could use a nationwide service to provide you with no win no fee solicitors covering Warrington instead, such as our own.
A solicitor will work on the basis of a ‘No Win No Fee’ agreement with the client. The agreement sets out to deduct a pre-agreed percentage of your settlement to cover the costs of your legal representative, providing your claim is successful. This percentage is capped at 25% of the final settlement amount, as set out by the Government. Once the agreement has been signed, then your lawyer would begin to handle the claim for you.
However, if your claim is unsuccessful you will not be held accountable for your solicitor’s legal fees. It may be prudent here to mention that your no win no fee solicitor could well advise that you should take out insurance in case of a failed claim, but this is something that could vary between cases.
Benefits of claiming in this manner.
- Reduced financial risks
- No upfront payment
- Solicitor’s fees are affected by the outcome
- Solicitor unlikely to take on weak claims
Now you know about some of the benefits of claiming, let us see what types of claims you could instruct a no win no fee solicitor for.
Choose The No Win No Fee Claim You Need To Make
- No Win No Fee Claims For Road Traffic Accidents In Warrington
- No Win No Fee Solicitors Handling Medical Negligence Claims
- No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claim Solicitors
- No Win No Fee Holiday Compensation Solicitors
- Criminal Injury Compensation Claims In Warrington
- Further Warrington Accident Claims
- Financial Service Mis-Selling Compensation Claims
- No Win No Fee Tenant Deposit Compensation Claims
- Housing Disrepair Compensation Claims
- Begin A No Win No Fee Claim Today
- Local Information For Warrington
No Win No Fee Claims For Road Traffic Accidents In Warrington
With so many major roads in and around the Cheshire area, a road traffic accident in Warrington could happen on any one of those roads. If you have experienced whiplash, broken bones or severe head injuries, and someone else was to blame, then you could look into claiming compensation with our panel of no win no fee solicitors covering Warrington.
Sadly, although road traffic statistics published in 2017 revealed that casualties in road accidents were at their lowest level to date, 170,993 people were still injured on the roads in the preceding 12 months. Our panel of no win no fee solicitors covering Warrington could assist with many claims of this nature, whether you were injured as a passenger, driver, cyclist or motorcyclist, or even a pedestrian. If it can be proven that someone else was at fault, and you are injured, then a no win no fee solicitor from our panel could help you claim. Even if someone had not stayed at the scene of the accident they caused, or they were a foreign driver with no insurance, your personal injury solicitor could help you make a claim for compensation for your injuries.
A solicitor could put a claim forward to the Motor Insurance Bureau on your behalf, who could pay compensation for accidents of this type. Your personal injury lawyer could not only help you claim for the physical and mental effects of your injuries, but also for any direct financial costs of the accident, including income loss, care costs and more.
No Win No Fee Solicitors Handling Medical Negligence Claims
If you have experienced medical negligence in Warrington, the burden of proof alone may make it difficult to conduct a claim. This could be particularly hard if there are other complex medical matters involved, including pre-existing conditions. However, regardless of the complexities involved, our panel of no win no fee solicitors covering Warrington could assist with putting together the proof you need to claim the compensation you deserve.
You could consider claiming compensation for:
- Dental negligence – Has your dentist given you negligent advice, damaged a healthy tooth, or failed to notice signs of cancer of the mouth? If so and your health has suffered, then you could look into finding a solicitor covering Warrington, Cheshire to make a dental negligence claim.
- Surgical Malpractice – Was the wrong part of your body operated on? Did you suffer negligent surgery that has led to you having to have otherwise avoidable treatment? If so, a no win no fee solicitor could help you make a claim.
- Hospital Negligence – Did you suffer a hospital-acquired infection because of poor infection control at the local hospital? Did you suffer a misdiagnosis or were prescribed the wrong medication, leading to a decline in your health? If so, you could have a claim.
- Care home negligence – Did you receive negligent treatment in a care home that made an existing condition worse or brought on a new condition? If so, you could consider a no win no fee claim for compensation.
This is not an exhaustive list. If you have been harmed in any way by negligent medical care, a no win no fee solicitor could assist with a claim for compensation.
No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claim Solicitors
If you have suffered an accident at work, you could be looking to make a claim for compensation against your employer. In this section, we will look at what grounds could be eligible to make a claim:
You have suffered an accident at work after your employer has failed to uphold health and safety regulations.
In such cases, it may be necessary for a legal professional to guide you through process of making accident at work claims. An employer owes a duty of care to their employees . This could be through risks assessments and prevention tactics in order to avoid future accidents from happening. Some of these methods include:
- Making risk assessments and acting on the findings
- Providing safety equipment for jobs that require it
- Providing training in certain tasks
- Maintaining machinery and fitting safety guards where necessary
- Allowing employees to take regular breaks
- Setting up equipment safely
- Putting safety signage in place
The action taken by your employer would be largely dependent on the type of working environment and the tasks that are being completed within the workplace. If they fail to take appropriate action and you are injured in a workplace accident, then our panel of no win no fee solicitors covering Warrington could assist you with a claim.
Your employer has failed to identify/control foreseeable risks of you developing a work-related condition
There are a variety of work-related conditions that you could suffer from, including tendonitis, mesothelioma, asbestosis, vibration white finger or industrial deafness. If you have suffered from one of these conditions and it is deemed to be work-related, you could be entitled to claim compensation. In such circumstances, it will need to be proven that your employer should have taken steps to prevent this. You could claim compensation not just for the condition but for monetary costs you’ve faced because of it.
Your employer has tried to dismiss you for making a claim
If your employer is treating you unjustly because you are considering a claim or have already made one, a no win no fee solicitor could assist you with an unfair dismissal or a constructive dismissal claim. An employer could be held liable for treating you differently, especially in circumstances where failures in health and safety are highlighted by employees.
No Win No Fee Holiday Compensation Solicitors
Whether you have visited Spain, America, Germany or Rome, you could benefit from the services of a holiday compensation solicitor if your injuries were the caused by third party negligence. Our panel of solicitors covering Warrington could help you make a claim for a variety of holiday related injuries and illnesses.
For example, if a broken airport chair collapsed or the steps from an aircraft were not properly secured while disembarking from a flight and you are injured you could be entitled to compensation.
With some types of holiday package tours, you may be required to book two or more elements of your trip together, such as flight, hotel and transport. In these cases, you may be covered by the Package Travel Regulations, whereas some flights are covered by IATA. Whatever the case, depending on where you are when the accident happened, how you booked your holiday and who could be held liable, the personal injury claims time limit could differ.
We have a specially trained team of advisers who could provide you with helpful information about how long you could have to claim and what services a no win no fee solicitor could provide to you. In addition to this, our panel of solicitors could handle claims for flight delays in the UK on a no win no fee basis.
Criminal Injury Compensation Claims In Warrington
Sadly, crime is an issue up and down the country and Warrington is no different. According to Police.uk, 27.18% of crimes reported in Warrington between Sept 2018 and Aug 2019 involved violence and sexual offence. If you have been the victim of any kind of assault that has left you with injuries, then our panel of no win no fee solicitors covering Warrington could assist you with claims made to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).
The CICA is a government organisation set up to compensate blameless victims of crime for their injuries. There is usually a shorter time limit to these claims than with other personal injury claims.
Cases of sexual abuse
When it comes to historical abuse cases, claimants might be able to claim outside of the usual 2 year time limit, simply because it may be that they did not process the events as they happened. Instead it may have taken them years to have the courage to come forward about such abuse, and therefore it could be argued that they could have longer to claim compensation. As these claims could be so sensitive, it could be important to find someone that could deal with your case with all the sensitivity it deserves. We feel that we could offer you such a service. You can call us in complete confidence, and we would be happy to help you.
Further Warrington Accident Claims
Whether you were injured in a public playpark as the equipment there was faulty, or you’ve slipped on a train station platform because of a spill that was not contained or cleared up, you could have cause to claim compensation for an accident that was not your fault. Depending on who was to blame or where you were when the accident happened, you could be claiming against anyone from the local authority to a private business, and no win no fee solicitors covering Warrington could help you to make such claims.
Financial Service Mis-Selling Compensation Claims
There have been several mis selling scandals that have hit the headlines, involving insurance and also pensions. If you feel that a financial product has been mis sold to you and you’ve experienced financial losses as a result, a no win no fee solicitor could help you claim compensation.
You may have been mis sold a product if:
- You were not warned of high risks.
- Your history (mental and physical) were not enquired about before being offered a product.
- You were not given any other options.
- You were not furnished with all the information required to make a decision.
If this is the case, then why not call our team to see if you could claim?
No Win No Fee Tenant Deposit Compensation Claims
Has your landlord fallen foul of deposit protection requirements?
Did they:
- Not deposit your tenancy deposit at all?
- Not deposit your tenancy deposit in an approved scheme within 30 days?
- Not write to you to tell you where your deposit was held within 30 days?
If any of these were true, it could be that you could claim between one and three times the deposited amount in compensation. We could provide a no win no fee solicitor to help you with this.
Housing Disrepair Compensation Claims
Have you experienced housing disrepair? Check if you can claim compensation below by answering the following questions:
- Have you experienced damp, mould, broken windows or doors, faulty or non-operational boiler, no gas, water leaks etc?
- Did you report this to your landlord and has it not been fixed?
- Have you experienced damage/destruction of your belongings or higher energy bills because of this?
If so, then no win no fee solicitors covering Warrington, Cheshire could assist with this type of claim too.
Begin A No Win No Fee Claim Today
At No Win No Fee Expert, we make it easy for you to be connected with a no win no fee solicitor from our panel. All you need to do is:
● Get in touch with us
Ring the No Win No Fee Expert Helpline on 0800 073 8802, or use the online form to get in touch with us, and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can. Alternatively, you could always use the Live Chat Feature on this page.
● Discuss your situation
We may ask you a few questions, and we’ll listen carefully to your answers so that we can provide the most appropriate guidance for your specific circumstances. We will also tell you whether your claim could result in a compensation settlement. If we think it will, we could offer to provide you with a no win no fee solicitor to fight your case for you.
● Manage your claim and stay up-to-date
Once we’ve provided a solicitor for you, the solicitor will keep you updated every step of the way.
Local Information For Warrington
In an effort to provide you with all the information you could need to pursue claims with no win no fee solicitors covering Warrington, please see below.
Doctors Carrying Out Checkups In Warrington
When you go ahead with a personal injury claim, you would need to have an appointment with a medical expert. We work with a panel of doctors that could assist with this, including some in the Warrington locality. This could includes:
Name of Doctor | Address |
Adrian Thomson | 21 Wilson Patten Street, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 1PG |
Abid Sami | 21 Wilson Patten Street, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 1PG |
Claire Lockett | 27 Wilson Patten Street, Warrington, WA1 1PG |
Warrington Hospital
Warrington hospital offers complex surgical and medical care, maternity services, and A&E department and more.
Warrington Hospital
Lovely Ln,
Website: whh.nhs.uk/about-us/our-hospitals/warrington-hospital
Warrington And Halton NHS Foundation Trust
The Warrington and Halton NHS Foundation Trust covers Warrington Hospital, Halton General Hospital, Halton Education Centre, And Cheshire and Merseyside Treatment Centre. It is rated good by the CQC.
Warrington Hospital
Lovely Ln,
Website: https://www.whh.nhs.uk
Warrington Borough Council
Warrington Borough Council
26-30 Horsemarket St,
Website: www.warrington.gov.uk/contact
Cheshire Police
Cheshire Police HQ
Warrington Police Station
Arpley Street
Website: Report A Road Traffic Accident; https://beta.cheshire.police.uk/ro/report/rti/rti-b/report-a-road-traffic-incident/
Written by JE Edited by HE